Linda Lorden named Citizen of the Year
The Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce announces Linda Lorden, President of Merrimack County Savings Bank, as its 2020 Citizen of the Year. The Chamber will honor the Concord businesswoman and civic leader at a virtual Citizen of the Year Award gala streamed live from Bank of New Hampshire Stage on Tuesday, March 30 from 4-5:15 p.m. The interactive event kicks off with a virtual cocktail reception for all attendees, and culminates in Lorden receiving the Chamber’s top honor. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend.
“This award represents the highest honor bestowed on an individual by the Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce,” said Chamber President, Tim Sink. “We received numerous nominations for Linda Lorden and are proud to present her with this award for all she has done for the community in many ways, over many years. Linda exudes the very definition of good citizen.”
Lorden volunteers on the Concord Coalition to End Homelessness Steering Committee. She is an active member of the Bow Rotary Club, volunteers at the Friendly Kitchen, previously served on the Board for Riverbend Community Mental Health and as a member of the CATCH Neighborhood Housing Asset Building Coalition. Lorden served as President of the Penacook Community Center and as a board member for many years. She participated on the Granite United Way’s agency review committee for Merrimack County and its Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Committee. Lorden was also active with the Red Cross Capitol Campaign and Easter Seals NH VIP Campaign.
Savings Bank of Walpole President Mark Bodin nominated his affiliate Merrimack County Savings Bank colleague writing, “Linda’s involvements are significant and inclusive of so many aspects of community life. Linda has proven she is driven to get involved and make a difference wherever the Concord Region needs her to do so. The fact that Linda does all of this so seamlessly, so selflessly and without fanfare makes her a true heroine in my book.”
Merrimack County Savings Bank Board Member and former Concord Hospital CEO Mike Green stated, “Linda is very cognizant of the hardships caused by the current pandemic and has provided leadership to ease the burden of many. Under her leadership the bank has increased its philanthropic support of a number of organizations.”
“From testifying at the State House, to leading bankers on Capitol Hill and providing sound advice and guidance, Linda’s level of commitment is demonstrated time and again through her actions,” noted Kristy Merrill, president of the NH Bankers Association. “We need more leaders of Linda’s decency, quality and substance engaged for the good of our State.”
Concord Coalition to End Homelessness Community Executive Director Ellen Groh wrote, “In my experience working with Linda, I have found her to have unquestionable integrity, and a deep commitment to serving the whole community.”
Fellow Merrimack Board Member Bill Dunlap, president of the New Hampshire Historical Society, also nominated Lorden stating, “She has fostered a strong tradition of giving back to the community at the bank she leads, making sure that the company is one of the leaders every year in the Concord area in corporate citizenship—both in terms of direct financial support to the community and in volunteer hours given by employees.”
“You may recall the photo in the Concord Monitor of Linda helping to clean new apartments providing housing for the homeless,” wrote Jane Difley, retired Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests president and past Merrimack board member. “She wasn’t just a bank president providing funding for the project, she pitched in and made sure it happened. Linda is an outstanding example of what business leaders in Concord can be.”
Penacook Community Center Board of Directors President Cathy Furlong shared, “Because of her ideas, PCC has benefited from much needed funds for the children. I strongly feel that Linda Lorden through everything she does is a shining example of integrity, kindness, thoughtfulness and respect for all.”
“Linda’s vision for community vibrancy and success includes supporting the organizations that provide vital services for those who live and work in our communities,” wrote Beth J. Slepian, president/CEO Concord Regional Visiting Nurse Association. “Linda is supportive of volunteerism and philanthropy in a manner that inspires us all.”
Recognizing an outstanding individual from the local community with its most prestigious award for over fifty years, the Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce is honored to proclaim Linda Lorden as its 2020 Citizen of the Year.
To attend the Chamber’s virtual Citizen of the Year Award gala on Tuesday, March 30, register online at www.ConcordNHChamber.com/key-events. Tables of 6, marked with your organization’s name, may also be reserved by emailing events@concordnhchamber.com or calling the Chamber at 603.224.2508.